So, I have had all intensions to keep up with writing blogs, somehow sitting in front of a computer and typing and not getting distracted seems like a challenge for me. I have found a solution to keep my blogs fun and entertaining and that is video blogs!
My dear friend who has his own YouTube channel has inspired me with the idea. I love snapping videos of what I get up to, its more appealing to watch something rather then read (in my opinion). I have never been much of a reader or writer although I have always liked the idea of it. Now, I am not a professional when it comes to videos, pictures or editing, I am completely new to all this so I am giving it ago and learning along the way I guess. All of what I do such as my website/videos/other platforms I have created all by self. There will be some mistakes but that's all part of the fun when trying to master a new skill right?
I have now set up my new YouTube channel its called 'Day In A Life Of MAZE'.
Please check it out I know you will enjoy enjoy it. My vlogs capture behind the scenes of my wrestling journey and personal life. You will see me in my authentic self expressing my thoughts and feelings of what I am getting up to.
I like to connect with people, I have learnt a long time ago that it is very hard to please everyone and to give everyone what they want of you. For years I thought I had to put on a persona to entertainer and impress others. My goodness that was so exhausting! It never worked and I began to forget who I really was. Its true that the older you get the wiser you get and less you really care of what people think of you. Its taken me a long time to know that its ok to just be myself, I can laugh at myself and know its ok to make mistakes and look silly. At the end of the day we are all human and no one is perfect although we all like to give the elusion that we are, especially in this industry.
I feel so powerful because I can be myself. I don't have to hide my energetic crazy side and my imperfect appearance and neither do you. We are all unique individuals and that's what makes us so special!
I hope you enjoy my blogs and vlogs. I am just an ordinary person like you trying to get through the day but making it entertaining for you along the way because that's what I love to do.
Take care for now my lovely fans,